The Tories, an unnatural excretion from the bowels of satan

16_april_2016A letter a day to number 10. No 1,404

Saturday 16 April 2016.

Dear Mr Cameron,

For the party that is the personification of evil in Britain today, you Tories are having a helluva time of it. I can’t imagine any of you having arrived here by any natural birth process, rather an unnatural excretion from the bowels of satan.

Friday was Employability day (#esday16), better known to those of us you fondly call ‘stock’ as The Work Programme, encouraging businesses and organisations to celebrate their participation in the DWP’s modern slavery and forced work pogrom which is underpinned by the evil sanctions regime, starving people into forced compliance.

Disabled people have been ruthlessly targeted with Iain Duncan Smith famously invoking the Nazi slogan above the death camps of Germany – Arbeit macht frei – saying, “Work actually helps free people”. The father of all lies must have been particularly chuffed with that one.

The Independent reports today that the shift to Universal Credit will mean those in work earning too little to live on and therefore in need financial support are to be forced to ‘look for more hours or take on extra jobs to get more cash as a condition of the in-work wage top-ups, and report to regular jobcentre appointments to prove their activities’. As ever, workers will be incentivised via sanctions. A DWP spokesperson said, “It is right that for the first time ever we are supporting claimants who are in low paid work to increase their earnings and progress in their careers (sic)”.

This is the kind of support that has seen people currently too ill to work, lose £30 a week to ‘incentivise disabled people to find work’ just as 14,000 disabled have had their motability vehicles stolen to inspire them to show their determination to work by dragging their bodies through the streets by their finger nails, if they are even fortunate enough to have any.

You must be pretty chuffed to know that having stepped in and blocked EU laws to crack down on tax avoidance, Britain’s poor can be forced to step up to the plate and pay with their lives for the morally and ethically bankrupt to avoid paying for the nations which so generously support and sustain their businesses. If there is an afterlife it is to be hoped that all you Tories and tax fiddlers will be forced to stoke the fires of your own eternal torment, all earthly, long awaited, justice aside.

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