Going and returning

The following requires a foreword because five days ago it would have been impossible to write. The words would have had no meaning, just a made up story without any life experience to lend it form or substance. If you’ve never smelled the roses, for god sake don’t write about it as if you have, […]

Dear Jeremy

Can I begin by sharing something I wrote for social media: Imagine a world without music, art, books, performing arts, creativity, humour, love, caresses, joy. None of these things come from government, all these things are for us, by us, great and small, so it is worth pausing to consider their and our incredible power… […]

What has socialism ever done for us?

Competition is the law of the jungle, but cooperation is the law of civilization – Peter Kropotkin Many, many years ago, before bog rolls, condoms and Pet Rocks were invented, people discovered a remarkable thing. They didn’t call it anything, or if they did, there is no record because records hadn’t been invented. In fact […]

The greatest rewards for the rich come from keeping the poor in poverty

It’s beyond astonishing that the government views benefits as a cost cutting exercise. The Tories are ideologically opposed to social security and so they have made the benefits system as punitive and dismal as possible, treating being poor, out of work, sick or disabled as moral failings. The world of finance is awash with money, […]

Britain’s heart is broken

Image: © Guardian How do I know that Britain’s heart is broken? I know it because I am living it and living with the grief of it moment by moment. I know it because my own heart is broken. I know it because I see who and what broke it. I’ve seen it since 2010, […]

The country I grew up in is dying

Theresa May struts around as if she owns Britain and yet domestically and globally she is Britain’s worst enemy. Nearly a year has passed since the catastrophe of Grenfell Tower. Even at the time it was played down by Theresa May and it quickly became clear that it was a political football, a battle of […]

Tories to RETRY bill to make you pay for your NHS Fri 15 June

As the SKWAWKBOX covered on Friday, Tory MPs made an attempt to pass a bill yesterday to allow NHS patients to be charged for their treatment – a move described by senior medics as “a nail in the coffin” of the NHS and ‘catastrophic‘ for patients. Read More: Tories to RETRY bill to make you […]

The Tories are ripe for an extinction event

It is not the strongest of a species that survives, nor the most intelligent, it is the one most adaptable to change, that survives. Charles Darwin. The growth of civilisation was made possible because every able bodied person is capable of producing more goods than they need for their own personal survival, bearing in mind […]