In the Tory world stripped of humanity people don’t matter

A letter a day to number 10. No 1,539 Wednesday 31 August 2016. Dear Mrs May, Within the DWP, as Iain Duncan Smith (IDS) casually informed us at a parliamentary hearing, people receiving social security payments are known as ‘stock’ and, infamously, David Freud said, “people who are poorer should be prepared to take the […]

Government can make crimes against humanity legal, but never right

A letter a day to number 10. No 1,323 Friday 22 January 2016. Dear Mr Cameron, The law does not uphold what is right or just, the law merely upholds the law and those who make law. When those who make law are unjust, the laws they pass serve injustice in order to deprive and […]

Welfare dependency is a life line, not a crime

A letter a day to number 10. No 1,128 Thursday 25 June 2015. Dear Mr Cameron, Before I get on to welfare dependency today, let’s just clear up the issue of those who abuse the system. It is part of the great diversity of human nature that some people will always take advantage of situations […]

End sanctions and state barbarity!

A letter a day to number 10. No 1,026 Thursday 12 March 2015. Dear Mr Cameron, Some years ago now I wrote to the NSPCC regarding their “Cruelty to children must stop. Full Stop” campaign, now changed to “Every childhood is worth fighting for”. It was my view, and still is, that such a campaign […]