We are governed by a false narrative that everything is predicated on wealth

The accumulation of wealth for its own sake is responsible for poverty because it is unnatural and false. It is anti-life. Human kind are the only creatures who have this imposed false narrative of being, every other creature and, indeed, most humans, merely want enough and having enough will get on and do other things, […]

Urban trauma, homelessness and economic warfare

We have a problem and it’s one we need to fix urgently. Housing… to briefly put aside all the other myriad disastrous problems which lie securely at the door of the Tories and the neoliberal consensus. I’ll begin with a proposition – no one should be evicted from their home for financial reasons, as a […]

So long tax payers and thanks for all your cash

A letter a day to number 10. No 1,502 Monday 25 July 2016. Dear Mrs May, The privatisation of, er, well, everything, reminds me of Douglas Adams’ title of the fourth book in his ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ trilogy, ‘So long and thanks for all the fish’… So long tax payers and thanks for […]

The referendum is not the biggest choice facing Britain

A letter a day to number 10. No 1,462 Sunday 12 June 2016. Dear Mr Cameron, I am curious to know why the main stream media, and the BBC in particular, is not reporting on the ongoing protests and civil disruption in France. Of particular national interest in Britain might be that France is considering […]

Electoral fraud investigations and economic warfare on the poor

A letter a day to number 10. No 1,435 Monday 16 May 2016. Dear Mr Cameron, Following on from yesterday on investigations into electoral fraud, had the election results been different, not only would your majority have been in question, but the vote to cutES ESA by £30 a week for the sick and disabled […]

Austerity is economic warfare on the poor

A letter a day to number 10. No 1,371 Monday 14 March 2016. Dear Mr Cameron, It seems George Osborne’s economic calculations have been thrown off because of ‘lower than anticipated tax receipts’. With public sector pay being restricted to a 1% rise and with more cuts planned which will target poor, sick and disabled […]

The government is waging economic warfare and it must end

A letter a day to number 10. No 1,349 Sunday 21 February 2016. Dear Mr Cameron, Since 2010 you have embarked on a ruthless crusade against the people of this country, the unemployed, the young, the disabled, nurses, the fire service, police, people in social housing including the bedroom tax, children, the working poor, the […]

The presumption of taking our consent for granted

A letter a day to number 10. No 1,297 Saturday 26 December 2015. Dear Mr Cameron, The words of Howard Zinn – “Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders… and millions have been killed because of […]

Cameron’s golden thread of prosperity, law and good governance and democracy

A letter a day to number 10. No 1,265 Tuesday 24 November 2015. Dear Mr Cameron, Do ordinary people really matter so little to you in your ambitions, Mr Cameron? Award-winning director Ken Loach is currently filming in Newcastle and has spoken out about the hardship he has seen. He didn’t pull any punches in […]

Life should be treated with awe and respect, not penalised

A letter a day to number 10. No 1,228 Monday 12 October 2015. Dear Mr Cameron, Just in my area this past week a 15 year old said she wanted to end her life and a young married man with two children has taken his life and these are only the ones I know of. […]